Improving Your Customer Experience: Tips to Up Your Game!

September 17th, 2022

Lesson # 1 – Your customers don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.

While most customers expect the jeweler to be the expert in the purchase of a luxury item, the process hinges on how you make them feel. As a wise person once said, “They may not remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.”  The sales process is a conversation, not a lecture. Your expertise can only be appreciated once you’ve established a rapport with the customer.

Lesson # 2 – Listen more. Show less.

This is related to Lesson # 1. Begin your conversation by asking open ended questions and genuinely listening to the answers. Speak in terms and language they can understand. Reciting the 4 C’s only makes sense if you can demonstrate the differences in a simple, straightforward manner. Take your cues from how the customer responds.


Lesson # 3 – Create a scenario that makes the piece meaningful

Most people buying jewelry are making memories as much as purchasing a thing of beauty. What is the meaningful occasion for the buyer and the wearer?  Engagement? Anniversary?  How will it be presented by the gift giver? Is it a self-purchase that’s attached to a specific achievement or a reward for an accomplishment? Make sure you articulate the scenario that motivates and gives context to the purchase.

reate a scenario that makes the piece meaningful

Lesson # 4 – Frame your conversation in terms of options—but don’t overdo it

You want to explore the particular preferences of a customer without overwhelming them with too many choices.“Would you prefer this shape as compared to that one?” You can suggest mounting and gemstone combinations that match well from your experience. Customizing the ring or any item has become more popular these days. Giving the customer some guard rails can help focus their attention, and make them feel confident in their decision.

Frame your conversation in terms of options—but don’t overdo it

Lesson # 5 – Some hi-tech can enhance your high-touch customer experience

Leveraging technology is an area that jewelers and their customers are coming to appreciate more than ever. Zoom, FaceTime, texting and more are aiding but not replacing the face-to-face interaction of in store sales. At BriteCo we offer free appraisal software to qualified retail jewelers that enables them to produce a professional appraisal in minutes from any device. Customers get a timely appraisal sent via email and they can also get affordable jewelry insurance coverage for their purchase from BriteCo in minutes right from their cell phone. That’s icing on the cake with a professional appraisal, immediate insurance coverage and lasting peace of mind.

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Some hi-tech can enhance your high-touch customer experience
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Christine Belling

About the Author

Christine Belling is the Director of Customer Success at BriteCo Jewelry and Watch Insurance ( With more than 20 years’ experience in the jewelry industry, Christine served as vice president at Artigem, a full-service jewelry claims company, before joining BriteCo. Prior to Artigem, she served in retail sales and management positions at Helzberg, Hannoush, and Whitehall jewelers.